1. Find motivation and inspiration – The best way to motivate yourself to push through that extra rep is by having other people by your side to cheer you on.
2. Proper form helps prevent injury – Group exercise is a great middle-ground between working out alone and hiring a personal trainer. In a group class, you have the benefit of professionals showing you how to do each move with proper form. Plus, if your form is a little off, the trainers are there to help correct you to ensure you don’t injure yourself.
3. Be part of a community – By being part of a community, you can find support and guidance from people who are on the same journey as you. Whether that journey is to better your health and wellness or improve your strength and endurance, there will always be someone who has your back.
4. Add variety to your workout – Adding variety to your workout is one of the best ways to prevent plateau, and group exercise classes are an easy way to switch things up.
5. Hold yourself accountable – We all know the hardest part about working out is getting your butt to the gym. Book your spot in advance and commit to a class. Once you’re scheduled in it’s a lot harder to cancel.
ADAPT has dropped our monthly group class rate by over 20% !!!! Unlimited facility access is now only $159 and 3 classes/week + unlimited open gym is $125. |
Get your group class pack here: https://trainadapt.com/staging.trainadapt.com/groupclasses/ |