Often times when speaking to individuals, I come to notice they do not truly understand the benefits of massage therapy …
Guilt Free Vacation!
It is easy to stay on track while being at home, but how difficult it is to not go off …

3 ways to stop shoulder pain!
I am going to tell you 3 ways to stop that shoulder pain that does not let you do your …
SST vs GAP… A word from our Scott!
Sport Specific Training (SST) vs General Athletic Preparedness (GAP) In today’s world the term specificity is being used to create …

Carrots are yummy!!
I don’t’ know too many people who jump at having carrots as a go to snack , as not being …

I recently experienced something that doesn’t happen to me often: I was so sore last week that I decided not …
How to build sexy, strong and powerful glutes?
It’s official , great glutes benefit you more than just looking good in a pair of jeans. The gluteus maximus …
It’s Hip to be Fit!
When you think about it, you spend most of your day if not a third of your day sitting, standing …
Short & Sweet
What do you do when you are craving something sweet? Stuff like this passes through your mind: Ice cream, Nutella, …
The first step to achieve your goal
Have you listened to motivational speakers? Have you ever felt the energy they transmit directly to your soul? That energy …

Knee pain? We can help you fix it!
Are you suffering from knee pain? We can help you get rid of it! Knee pain is common in both …
“Quality Over Everything”
In our first official blog post I found it fitting to discuss the groundwork in which we make every decision …