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Guilt Free Vacation!

It is easy to stay on track while being at home, but how difficult it is to not go off the wagon while traveling outside your home city? When you are at home you are able to prepare your own food, you workout at your favorite gym (ADAPT of course) and you follow a specific routine. When you are at home you are able control most of the factors that influence your fitness habits but what about when you are NOT at home? When you are not able to cook your own food, when you probably don’t have a gym to go to, what do you do? Do you throw the towel in?

Here are 4 tips to have a guilt free and healthy vacation.  

  1. Hydration: Drink water! Staying hydrated will save you from having junk food cravings. Also, if you like to enjoy some drinks on your vacations, try to choose cocktails that are not full of sugary things. Choose clear alcohol like vodka and lemon juice so you don’t waste those calories in just a drink. Ask Coach Audrey for the best ways to drink pure water!
  2. Quick workouts: There is this amazing thing called TABATA. I am pretty sure you have done this at our gym. Tabata workouts are short and sweet. They make you sweat and grind in only 4 minutes! Who doesn’t have 4 minutes to workout? Coach Scott has great Tabata ideas! Catch him at the gym!
  3. Eat smart: Moderation is key! If you want to go to a great restaurant and eat something full of carbohydrates or fat, don’t eat the whole plate! Share with your family and friends!! If you are on The ketogenic diet ask Coach Jorge! He is going to tell you how can you make a good cheat day and how to go back into ketosis!
  4. Guilt free heart: The fact of feeling guilty because your are not following your regular routine and you are eating more than usual is very stressful and researchers have proven that the more you are stressed out the more you gain weight. When the brain detects the presence of a threat, in this case being stressed out because you are not following your normal routine, it triggers two hormones: the adrenaline, which helps you feel less hungry just for a moment but the effect of adrenaline soon wears off, cortisol, known as “the stress hormone” starts signaling your body to replenish your food supply. So no matter what you do you will end up eating more as a consequence of being stressed out. I would recommend some mindfulness meditation to release stress. Ask me, Coach Nana, for more information.


Until next week!!!



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