Back pain is a pervasive issue, affecting a significant portion of the population at some point in their lives. It …
Are you tired of that knee pain?! Here are 4 things to do about it🏃
When it comes to New year resolutions most people after the first month fall off. By some estimates, as many …
Black Friday Gym Sale!
Black Friday is here, and we’re thrilled to bring you not one, but two incredible ways to save big on …

7 Fitness Tips for Staying Motivated
Have you ever started a new routine, program, or diet and then quit? If you answered yes to this question, …

Back to School Special $500 in Services for $5 Enrollment!
Looking to start your journey to wellness? Now is the time! We are offering a back-to-school enrollment special that offers you …

ADAPT is proud to debut a 20,000-square-foot expansion to its North Miami fitness facility and announce the launch of its …

Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 2)
Phase one covered: Target Soft Tissue Work. We continue to explore how to properly warm-up for any physical activity venture. …

Never Waste Another Warm Up
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 1) Based on what you can see at the …

Wellness in the workplace, what it can do for you.
1. Save Money Lifestyle risk factors such as smoking, excessive drinking, poor diet, inactivity and excess body weight can contribute …

4 Ways To Increase Your Energy and Live A Happier, Healthier, Productive Life
2020 has been one heck of a ride. A year that has shown us what we are made of but …

Create Your Own Fun and Easy Halloween Treats!
Looking for a way to make some cute, fun, and easy Halloween treats?! Look no further!! What’s on the menu? …