
5 things you should be doing to stay on track

thanksgiving food

Are you the type of person who eats healthy Monday to Friday, then Friday night comes around, and you start your weekend binge? I used to be like that and was so tired to have to start over and over every Monday. I felt so discouraged and hopeless because I was unable to meet my […]

Maintaining your Ferrari!

Often times when speaking to individuals, I come to notice they do not truly understand the benefits of massage therapy incorporation as a part of a balanced training regimen. Most often, they see the modality as a luxury rather than necessity, and engage in it seldom, if at all. It is then I offer two […]

Guilt Free Vacation!

It is easy to stay on track while being at home, but how difficult it is to not go off the wagon while traveling outside your home city? When you are at home you are able to prepare your own food, you workout at your favorite gym (ADAPT of course) and you follow a specific routine. […]

3 ways to stop shoulder pain!

shoulder pain

I am going to tell you 3 ways to stop that shoulder pain that does not let you do your daily duties but first I feel that it is essential to tell you the possible causes of shoulder pain and I found that most of shoulder problem fall into 4 categories: fracture, arthritis, instability and […]

SST vs GAP… A word from our Scott!

Sport Specific Training (SST) vs General Athletic Preparedness (GAP) In today’s world the term specificity is being used to create value and drive up the prices in certain sports programs. Almost every parent or coach nowadays tries to find a way to make their athlete the best they can be. While wanting our youth to […]

Carrots are yummy!!

garlic butter roasted carrots with parmesan

I don’t’ know too many people who jump at having carrots as a go to snack , as not being too fond of the root vegetable myself. However, from years of developing wellness of mind and body, I’ve grown fond of the remarkable benefits of carrots: Lower blood pressure Boost immunity Help digestion Prevent cancer […]


muscle soreness

I recently experienced something that doesn’t happen to me often: I was so sore last week that I decided not to work out two days in a row. Skipping more than just a weekday is really not like me so I decided to look into it, mostly to find a way to get rid of […]

How to build sexy, strong and powerful glutes?

It’s official , great glutes benefit you more than just looking good in a pair of jeans. The gluteus maximus aka your booty is in conjunction with the medius and minimus that operate as a base of support for the pelvis and the hips. So, when the glutes are weak the pelvis and the hips […]

It’s Hip to be Fit!

When you think about it, you spend most of your day if not a third of your day sitting, standing and even achieving a workout at ADAPT, right? Would you believe that over time from this consistent pattern and lack of stretching the hip flexor muscles eventually shift to a shortened state, which is what […]

Short & Sweet

What do you do when you are craving something sweet? Stuff like this passes through your mind: Ice cream, Nutella, or your favorite dessert from a certain restaurant but after eating all that you begin to feel guilty, tired and then you start thinking stuff like: “it is impossible to lose weight” “I will always […]