
Create Your Own Fun and Easy Halloween Treats!

healthy halloween treats

Looking for a way to make some cute, fun, and easy Halloween treats?! Look no further!! What’s on the menu? Ghost bananas with chocolate chip eyes and tangerine pumpkins with celery stems! Easily made and thoroughly enjoyed!! And there’s more! Participating in The Haunting of ADAPT? Making these snacks will count as coming to a […]

Managing Hip Imbalances

hip imbalances

(786)717-7470 @trainadapt trainadapt.com Our bodies are made to be symmetrical. In general, the more symmetrical we are, the better we feel and the better we move. Unfortunately, our daily lifestyle habits tend to keep us in asymmetrical postures most of the time. Here’s a few examples: Standing with more weight on one side: Sitting with […]

Effects of Sitting on Our Bodies

desk ergonomics

(786)717-7470 @trainadapt trainadapt.com Sitting too often not only causes us to leade a generally more sedentary lifestyle, but it directly causes several mechanical problems in our bodies. These problems can snowball over time and significantly decrease our quality of life. Common issues that sitting too often may cause: Neck and back pain Shoulder and arm […]

Running 101 Chainwork Style

running girls

(786)717-7470 @trainadapt trainadapt.com Running form, common injuries, exercises to improve running, and what to know about running shoes. With as many as 55.9 million people reporting running as a form of exercise in the country, it is imperative to know the form most associated with increased efficiency and decreasing number of injuries as well as […]



(786)717-7470 @trainadapt trainadapt.com Have you ever finished a run and experienced a sudden nagging pain just above your heel? Perhaps it gets better with more running or just goes away after a couple of days. Or worse yet, perhaps it progressively worsens until running becomes unbearable. This may be a hallmark sign of tendinopathy. A […]

Naturally Strengthen Your Immune System


Reach out to us with any wellness questions! (786)717-7470 @trainadapt trainadapt.com THREE STEPS FOR A HEALTHIER YOU! Step 1: Move More, Often Step 1: Move More, Often. We already know that regular exercise reduces our risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. It only makes sense that it also has an effect on our […]