Movement Monday – Lower Body Superset
Time for Movement Monday! Try this Lower Body Superset with our Movement Practitioner George!-Suitcase bench lunges 20/side-Sled push 50m Follow us on YouTube for more awesome movements #superset #moveyourbody #miamigym #fitlifestyle #workoutroutine #legsuperset #lunges #sleds #fitness #miamifitness
Massage Subscription

There are SO MANY benefits of regular massages. Some include reduced muscle tension, improved circulation, relaxation, increased joint mobility and flexibility, and improved recovery of soft tissue injuries. You know you deserve this! Check out our Massage Subscription for $85/monthWhat you get:– 1, 1-hr massage/month for 6 months– Get one free massage to use during […]
5 Poses to ADAPT Yoga For Athletes
5 Poses to ADAPT Yoga For Athletes with our resident yogi, Micha! 1. Downward facing dog 2. Upward facing dog 3. Forward Fold 4. Pigeon Pose 5. Twisted Monkey These poses stretch the main muscle groups used during most activities and are trouble spots for most athletes. Allow for up to two minutes in each […]
Movemet Monday – Cut through the fat
Happy Monday! Let’s get moving 💪 Today’s movement Monday is brought to you by Kori ! “Cutting through Fat” – this is an anti-rotation movement with a focus on core engagement and speed. After you have completed this movement for about 30 seconds it is important to move into rotation (rotating towards the forward leg) […]
Movement Monday – Full Body Banded Workout
Today We’re focusing on time entire body with Will! In his words… workouts can be overly complicated and sometimes all you need is a band and your own Bodyweight. Give these a go for some core, lower, and upper body 🔥 3-5 Rounds Banded Pallof Press Banded Zercher Squats 🥵 Banded Push-ups #trainadapt #adaptMiami #workout […]
Movement Monday – Upper Body Workout
Be relentless, be unstoppable. Happy Monday! Today’s #MovementMonday is an Upper body Workout with George! Warmup: Rocker reaches x 20 Band pulls x 20 Shoulder openers x 20 Set 1: Plate press 50 Plate rows x 30 Set 2 Climber push-ups x 10, Pull-ups 10 Set 3: Drop in lateral raises 20/side, Seiza curls 15 […]
We are excited to introduce a new program we’re offering here at ADAPT – ASAP (Adapt Speed & Athletic Performance Training) This program is targeted towards youth athletes and adults looking to advance their speed and agility. ASAP will focus on:1. Speed Mechanics and Strength2. Acceleration & Top End Speed3. Dynamic (Multi-Directional) Speed When?Wednesdays 7 […]
Movement Monday: HIP MOBILITY
And just like that Movement Monday is back! Recently our Movement Practitioner Will Valdes ran his first marathon in under 4h! Training for a marathon is no joke and can leave you stiff and sore in all the wrong places. The idea for this session is recovery-based, and it’s all about dissociation from one hip/pelvis […]
My Kids Pretty Good, Now What?

It might be your son, it might be your daughter. It doesn’t really matter. In any case, you realize that you have a kid that has above-average ability. Coaches start to tell you that your child has potential. People start talking about special select teams and year-round dedication to one sport. The big question is, […]
#WellnessWednesday Pro tip: Are you trying to get more physically active? You don’t have to go it alone!

Work out with a little help from your friends. Here are 3 reasons working out with some friends can really help! 1. You will feel more motivated. When you and your buddy encourage each other, you’ll work harder (and get better results!). And there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competition. 2. Be adventurous. It’s […]