5 Benefits to Working Out in a Group Class Setting

1. Find motivation and inspiration – The best way to motivate yourself to push through that extra rep is by having other people by your side to cheer you on. 2. Proper form helps prevent injury – Group exercise is a great middle-ground between working out alone and hiring a personal trainer. In a group […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 6)

Here’s what we’ve covered so far: Phase 1: Target Soft Tissue Work Phase 2: Bi-Phasic Positional Stretching Phase 3: Corrective Exercise Phase 4: Muscle And Pattern Activation Phase 5: Foundational Movement Pattern Development Let’s finish off strong with… Phase 6: Central Nervous System Potentiation You’re almost ready. After spending some thoughtful practice on your foundational […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 5)

Moving right along! Phase 5: Foundational Movement Pattern Development The first four phases of this sequence are all precursors to this, the big movement patterns you’ll be practicing in the fifth phase of this system. Everything you’ve done was important to get you to this point, but now is where your mind and muscle take […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 4)

We’ve covered targeting soft tissue in phase one, bi-phasic stretching in phase two and we discussed corrective exercises. Now we continue discussing how to properly warm-up for any physical activity venture. Phase 4: Muscle And Pattern Activation The goal of everything you’ve done so far is to open up a movement pattern or region into […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 3) – Corrective Exercise

Let’s continue the discussion on properly warming-up for any physical activity venture. Phase one covered targeting soft tissue and phase two discussed bi-phasic stretching all allowing the human body to function as authentically as possible. What is Corrective Exercise? The term “corrective” gets misused a lot these days. Personally, I don’t subscribe to the idea […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 2)

Phase one covered: Target Soft Tissue Work. We continue to explore how to properly warm-up for any physical activity venture. Phase 2: Bi-Phasic Positional Stretching Lifters and strength athletes cringe when they hear the word “stretching” in a dynamic warm up. But contrary to popular belief, there’s actually very little evidence that stretching negatively impacts […]
Never Waste Another Warm Up

Never Waste Another Warm Up: Do THIS Instead (Phase / Part 1) Based on what you can see at the foam rolling station and cardio deck at any major commercial gym, it’s clear that the average person (and many fitness professionals alike) have absolutely no idea how to prepare for training in the form of […]
CHAINWORK Accepts Medicare!

Get back to your quality of life with help from Chainwork in North Miami. A physical rehabilitation facility, Chainwork prioritizes musculoskeletal resilience and durability, empowering the body to sustain and optimize movement. Chainwork mixes traditional, proven techniques with cutting-edge theory and technology which creates a wide range of services for patients. Chainwork is located in […]
What is Pain and Why Do We Experience it?

When you ask “what is pain” maybe the first thing that comes to mind is a memory of that time you sprained your ankle. Or maybe you’re thinking of that “thing” in your back that came out of nowhere months ago and just won’t go away. In both cases, you must be thinking that surely […]